"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"  Vincent van Gogh

https://www.tuni.fi/fi/ajankohtaista/kestavyysteemainen-osaamismerkkipilotti-kaynnistyi-tredun-opettajat-testaavat-edusta EduSTA Project is a brilliant international collaboration to support Sustainable Future Educators.

Project EduSTA focuses on re- and upskilling VET teachers and Teacher Educators and building a community: “Academy of Educators for Sustainable Future”. 

I am so excited to be representing the University of Gothenburg as Project Manager for an International Project titled Educators for a Sustainable Future or EduSTA. 

The project brings together five teacher education institutions around Europe (Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the Czech Republic) to develop a close network with a strong commitment to educating teachers who are willing, able, and competent to transform educational practices and policy to meet the sustainability challenges and ready to combine innovative approaches to use digitalization in teaching and learning.  

Teachers’ capabilities to act as active change-makers in the ecological transition and to educate citizens and the workforce to meet future challenges is key to a profound transformation in the green transition. Teachers’ sustainability competencies have been researched widely but a gap remains between research and the actual work of teachers. There is a need to operationalize sustainability competencies: to describe the direct links with everyday tasks such as curriculum development, pedagogical design, and assessment. Thus, the aim of the project is to respond to the urgent need for a sustainably competent workforce focusing on re-and upskilling VET teachers. Together with our colleagues from Higher Education Institutions in Finland, Holland, Spain, and the Czech Republic, the purpose is to collaboratively create open digital badge-driven learning pathways on teachers’ sustainability competencies supported with multimodal learning modules. 

The Institutions involved in the project are,

  • Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), Finland,
  • Hanzehogeschool Groningen (Hanze), Holland, 
  • University of Girona (UdG), Spain 
  • The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU), Czechoslovakia
  • Department of Education and Special Education, Faculty of Education, Göteborgs Universitet, Sverige (below pic) 

The below is a book free to download and developed for Work package 3 for the EduSTA Project.

To access the EduSTA Swedish website copy and paste following link to your url, https://www.gu.se/pedagogik-specialpedagogik/academy-for-sustainable-future-educators-edusta-project 

EduSTA Meet, Groningen, The Netherlands, Nov 2023

Example Text

ATEE and EduSTA webinar 3 Sept at 15.30 CET

Hi TG-EduSTA team! The program for our September webinar is now ready. You can find the event news (and the registration link) both at our website and in LinkedIn. Please spread the word, thanks!  Welcome to join us in EduSTA and ATEE Webinar 3 September 2024 at 15.30–17.30 CET | Academy for Sustainable Future Educators (EduSTA) | Tampere Universities (tuni.fi)