Liisa Uusimaki (2011)
Mature-aged graduates (MAGs) are characterized by significant life experience, including career change and an altruistic desire to benefit their prospective students. They are particularly well suited to the middle school environment with its focus on transition and its often complex student needs. Despite this, MAGs are currently underserviced by existing teacher education programs. Their potential to deliver high-quality teaching is often not fully realized. Postgraduate teacher education programs with a middle school focus must develop better ways to support these graduates and harness the unique combination of life/work experiences and the altruism they bring to the teaching profession. This study reports on a small cohort of MAGs’ experiences in a one-year postgraduate teacher education program focusing on middle schooling. Findings from this study suggest MAGs benefit from being part of an innovative workshop program run in parallel with the Graduate Diploma program. Although the Graduate Diploma had provided them with significant challenges, the workshop impacted positively on participants’ emerging middle school teacher identity. Inclusion in the workshop program encouraged fresh reflections about teacher identity and provided a supportive space that enabled their understanding of the importance of middle school teaching